Hey everyone, welcome to this week’s episode of “How NOT to Call the Plumber!”. We’re going to get away from the “traditional” weekly posts and do something a little more fun today. With the kids at home and it being Easter Weekend (mixed with another round of closures), I’m sure all of you parents are just begging for something to do – I know we are! Give a try to these fun Easter “chicks”. You don’t need much in the way of materials, and everything you do need can be found at your nearest dollar store!
As a plumber, I know a thing or two about toilet paper rolls. One of them being that they are a great tool to use for crafts with your kids and another that some of you “accidentally” have flushed them down the toilet (as a side note – this is never a good idea and you’ll definitely be calling us as a result 😉). Collect whatever empty rolls you have around the house, some different colour paints, some “googly” eyes and wrapping tissue from the dollar store, as well as a sheet of orange cardboard paper. You’re all set!
First, we’re going to focus on painting the toilet paper rolls. If you have it, fun pastel colours seem to scream Easter, so that’s a great theme to go with for this weekend. Here’s a pro-tip I learned in putting this together: acrylic paints are best for crafts (which are definitely not my area of expertise). Not only are they very bright in colour, but they also dry quickly – especially if you give them a blast of hot air with a hair dryer! Another tip – I also learned that this paint does not wash out of clothes very easily, so make sure to cover up those kids to prevent staining their clothes and replying angrily to this thread!
Once the toilet paper rolls are painted and dried, its time for the eyes and beaks. A hot glue gun is best if you have it (make sure the kids are careful!), but regular old white glue will work as well. Just put a small dab on the backs of the eyes and beak, then stick it to the nicely painted toilet paper roll. Make sure to hold it until the glue dries, so they eyes and beaks don’t droop down and wind up looking like someone who spent a bit too much time on the open patios this weekend.
Lastly, cut about a quarter sheet of the tissue paper and stick it into the top of the toilet paper roll. This will give our chicks a cute little tuft of feathers on their heads!
That’s it for this week – a quick and easy activity to do with the kids. With things as heavy as they seem to be these days, let’s all try to enjoy the smaller things in life a little bit more. There’s something about a kid’s smile that brings a smile to our adult faces as well (unless it’s one of those mischievous, “I just did something I know you’re not going to like, but let’s see if I can get away with it” smiles) – I know those all too well! Whether it’s this fun little craft or something else, have some fun this weekend in whatever way you can. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and will be back to “normal” soon!